The journal service of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen is offered by the Göttingen State and University Library. It is currently under construction.
New American Studies Journal: A Forum
Issue 71 marks an important transition. We have moved to a new web address and are changing our title to reflect our new location and look. The American Studies Journal will become the New American Studies Journal: A Forum. This change is reflected in the two logos visible in the banner. The next issue, marking our official relaunch, will dispense with the old logo but build on the long ASJ tradition in ways that will bring readers and writers together in a forum. The new editorial team, whose members will be announced in the next issue, is committed to turning the NASJ into a place where different perspectives, styles, and eventually different communication formats engage in dialogue and exchange. We are working with Göttingen University Press to produce a peer-reviewed, open access journal that provides scholars with an alternative to commercial publishers. Contributors will notice streamlined submission and review procedures, along with a publishing process that ensures article visibility in scholarly databases and archives. Readers will encounter something more than the digital version of a print magazine. These transformations will take time, but issue no. 71 marks the beginning. Thank you for joining us at our new address to learn about leisure in the nineteenth century. Join us in the future to enter a forum of vibrant intellectual exchange.
Göttinger Rechtszeitschrift
Die GRZ ist eine studentische Rechtszeitschrift an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und wird von Studierenden und Promovierenden der Juristischen Fakultät konzipiert und herausgegeben.
Sie versteht sich als Ausbildungszeitschrift und soll Studierenden und jungen WissenschaftlerInnen die Möglichkeit zur Publikation eigener wissenschaftlicher Beiträge geben.
the world of music (new series)
the world of music (new series) is an international scholarly journal dedicated to reporting and reflecting current theoretical perspectives on and research in the field of the world’s music and dance.
While every issue is designed to focus on a specific topic, the world of music (new series) does not confine its attention to any single region or methodological approach. We publish original, and sometimes challenging, contributions from all over the world, aimed at musicologists and musicians, dance researchers, anthropologists, cultural studies and post-colonial studies scholars, and others.
The articles contained in the world of music (new series) are informed by a variety of theoretical perspectives but devoted to a shared goal: understanding the musics of the world, their histories, and their manifold environments. It is our aim to generate a productive and creative dialogue between music researchers in disparate locations and contexts.
the world of music (new series) is a Diamond open access journal, but also available in print. For more information on the print version and how to subscribe, please visit VWB Publishers.
Göttinger Arbeiten aus Sozial- und Politikwissenschaft
GASP steht nicht nur für das (im besten Fall) erleichterte Seufzen, wenn die nach Wochen der Recherche, Analyse und des Schreibens fertiggestellte Hausarbeit endlich abgegeben ist. Es ist auch ein Akronym für Göttinger Arbeiten aus Sozial- und Politikwissenschaft. Wir sind ein studentisches Journal, in dem interessante und gelungene Arbeiten von Studierenden der Universität Göttingen veröffentlicht werden.
AG Universitätsverlage
Dies ist die Begutachtungsplattform für Mitgliedschaftsanträge der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der deutschsprachigen Universitätsverlage ( Als Verlage sind wir dem Open Access verpflichtet, das wir für unsere Institutionen umsetzen.